

  • Participate in quarterly, regional or neighborhood events and tours to economic centers

  • Connect with fellow business leaders with a focus on regional or neighborhood-based businesses



区域 & 社区项目 aims to bring the Partnership directly to our members and the business community throughout Greater Houston. 该项目将于2019年启动. 
2019年夏天, the 地区 and 社区项目 visited the Clear Lake area and NASA Johnson Space Center to gain an understanding of the economy in that part of the region.




Addressing a growing skills gap by closing economic disparities will be critical as Houston’s hydrogen economy grows. 抓住这个机会, 大休斯顿伙伴关系的休斯顿提升技能计划, Accenture and the Center for Houston’s Future (CHF) have launched a new workforce development initiative that aims to help people in disadvantaged communities (DACs) secure good jobs in the emerging hydrogen economy by bridging the skills gap through training and skill development. 根据即将发布的白皮书的执行摘要, 该战略将瞄准高需求和高收入, middle-skilled hydrogen jobs through a skill-matching process based on skill transferability, 除其他因素外, as well as tailored learning journeys that will provide pathways from education to employment. 这将需要与氢经济中的主要利益相关者合作, 包括本地工业雇主, 教育机构和非营利组织. 合作伙伴包括液化空气集团, 雪佛龙公司, bp, 布鲁姆皇冠HGA010官方下载, Calpine, 陶氏, 高的, 林德, 壳牌, SLB, Brazosport大学, 休斯顿社区学院, 李大学, 孤身学院, 圣哈辛托学院, 联合之路大休斯顿和墨西哥湾沿岸劳动力解决方案. The learning journeys will help people increase their earning potential and provide career stability by having direct access to the hydrogen sector. “The future growth of the hydrogen industry in Houston and the Gulf Coast provides the region with the opportunity to collaborate with business and industry to rewire the talent pathways into the hydrogen sector and increase economic mobility and opportunity for residents of communities historically underserved.——Peter Beard,区域劳动力发展高级副总裁 The consortium aims to work with community stakeholders and educational institutions to align career and technical education (CTE) in high schools with dual credit in community colleges. The ongoing 协作 with colleges and school districts will also support the development of shorter-term programs for adults.  这项新倡议是在美国政府采取行动之前提出的.S. Department of 皇冠HGA010官方下载’s selection of the Gulf Coast as one of seven regional clean hydrogen hubs, 总部设在休斯顿. 布雷特帕尔曼, 休斯顿未来中心的主席, says employers must implement inclusive workforce strategies to fill the skills gap and mobilize a sustainably scaled workforce by recruiting talent from throughout the community. Accenture’s research has found a high degree of jobs will be needed for hydrogen with highly correlated skills from other occupations and industries already in place. “Making this happen requires being very purposeful about the intersection of these opportunities and... 跨生态系统工作,玛丽·贝思·格雷西说, 埃森哲休斯敦办事处总经理, 在展示战略时. The findings also predict a steady rise in middle-skill jobs within Houston’s clean energy hydrogen economy over the next five to 10 years, 特别是在碳捕集与封存(CCS)方面, 以及制造业的持续增长, 应用程序, 存储, 随着需求和技术的进步,分配和生产. 罗伯特·纳梅克,总经理-氢,USGC & Europe at 雪佛龙公司, echoed the report's conclusions. “该地区在供应低碳氢和氨方面发挥着关键作用, which will require a skilled local workforce that will be positioned to execute these projects.” 根据麦肯锡和CHF的研究, Texas - and the Gulf Coast region as a whole - are already the nation’s largest hydrogen producers with more than 1,000英里的专用氢气管道和48个氢气生产厂. 该地区还拥有多种皇冠HGA010官方下载资源, 包括大量集中的学术和产业驱动的皇冠HGA010官方下载创新, 先进的基础设施, 以及高技能的劳动力. 展望未来的皇冠HGA010官方下载结构, 到2050年,氢预计将占总皇冠HGA010官方下载消耗的12%, 根据国际皇冠HGA010官方下载署. 在其休斯顿作为氢能中心- 2050快照报告中, 休斯顿未来研究中心预测会有170人,000电位直流电, 氢能经济可以创造间接和相关的就业机会, 同时也为德州的国内生产总值增加了1000亿美元. 了解更多关于UpSkill Houston的信息.


休斯顿的房地产市场开始显示出改善的迹象, 该地区许多新的住宅开发项目开始成型.   根据大休斯顿合作伙伴每月房屋销售更新, 库存已达到39个,接近大流行前的水平,上个月有757套房屋上市, 几乎是去年的两倍,620. 以下是该地区最新发展的综述.   西休斯敦  单击展开 乔叟  赖斯村计划建造一座12层的中层公寓大楼, 预计将于今年9月动工. 这个拥有30个家庭的社区将有7个标准平面图和5个顶层平面图.  画眉山庄  最近,占地1150英亩的画眉山庄社区在凯蒂破土动工. 位于莫顿路和FM 2855附近, 格兰奇将提供2,400户住宅,特色水道和绿地. 第一阶段的开发预计将于2025年完成.  单击展开 在麦迪逊  在麦迪逊, a seven-story, 35-unit condominium, is set to break ground this year in Montrose. 预计2026年完工, 该项目将设有一个两层的停车场, 一个健身中心和一个游戏室.  北休斯顿  科尔顿  科尔顿, a 5,占地700英亩的社区位于蒙哥马利县, 预计将带来近11,该地区有1万户家庭. 据《皇冠HGA010官方下载》报道, 预计到今年10月将有600批货物交付, 而房屋销售预计将于2025年开始.   Oakberry轨迹  建筑工程最近开始,占地212英亩, 沃勒县有800个家庭的总体规划社区被称为橡树小径. 该社区将包括室外设施,如一个鱼塘, 活动馆和一个游戏中心. 房屋将于今年夏天上市销售.   单击展开 的Everstead  Everstead, 23分.占地5英亩,最近在康罗破土动工. 该社区将提供190套住房, 由两居室和三居室的牧场式住宅和联排别墅组成. 预计2025年完工, Everstead的特点是2,817平方英尺的会所, 旅游观光池, 狗公园, 操场、匹克球场和地滚场.   单击展开 在农村的  一个占地22英亩、包含300个单元的社区在农村的最近在伍德兰兹(The Woodlands)破土动工. 单户社区将以现代化的设施为特色,如座位区, 火坑和餐厅, 一个游泳池, 瑜伽馆, 水疗和桑拿. 部分单元将于2025年完工.   南休斯顿  单击展开 靛蓝  靛蓝, 一个占地235英亩的总体规划社区,位于本德堡县, 这个月计划开始房屋建设吗, 房屋销售预计将于5月开始. 在全面建造时, the community will bring 650 homes and 150 apartments to the area by 2026. 靛蓝将以占地12英亩的市中心为特色,设有咖啡馆和杂货店, 一个42英亩的社区农场, 湖泊和步道.  遗产 一个占地705英亩的总体规划社区遗产最近在League City破土动工. 在全面建造时, 遗产将提供1,600家, 首批房屋计划于2025年交付. The community will feature parks, play areas, a recreation center, lakes and walking trails.  加尔维斯顿 玫瑰色的海滩  玫瑰海滩的建设预计很快就会开始, 一个拥有160个家庭的海滨社区, 位于加尔维斯顿的西海滩. The 70-acre upscale development will offer premium amenities such as a 旅游观光池 and various pickleball法院. 预计将于2025年完工,购房者现在可以预订未来的地段.   单击展开 《海滩上的王冠  《海滩上的王冠, 一栋10层的豪华公寓, 加尔维斯顿岛会在今年夏天动工吗. 这座拥有63个单元的塔楼将提供滨水景观和社区设施, 包括一个游泳池, 户外烧烤区, 瑜伽馆, pickleball法院, 高尔夫模拟器和雪茄和葡萄酒品尝休息室.  了解更多关于在休斯顿生活的信息. 



2024 soir -共创明天

黄昏时的, 大休斯顿合伙企业的年度晚会, 庆祝休斯顿促进创新的多元化方面, 协作, and equitable urban development which position Houston as a vibrant hub for the future.…


“作为一个终生的休斯敦人, I am particularly pleased to be a part of the Partnership and the great work they do for economic growth and development in the City of Houston and surrounding communities.”


"Becoming a member of the Partnership was one of the best professional decisions I’ve made as a CEO. 尽管我在领导一个非营利组织, the ability to cross-pollinate with organizations in various industries is extremely helpful. Interacting and benefiting from the thought leadership in the business community has shown me that they are really tackling the same issues we are facing."

总统 & 纽豪斯教育中心首席执行官

“Greater Houston Partnership, thank you for continuing to be a great resource for information. 我很自豪能成为这个代表休斯顿的组织的一员, 这是企业和人的关系.”


“拥有最大的会员数据库之一, (合作伙伴关系)对我来说是一个很好的人脉资源."

Neal Talmadge

“课程的质量是一流的, 正因为如此, 与会者也是一流的. 高质量的人际关系很好!"


"Businesses who want to get their name out and sales professionals who want to increase their sphere of influence won't find a better organization to connect than GHP."


"Houston has a huge amount of raw ingredients needed to launch a startup -- top tier universities, 可承受的生活成本, 巨大的财富, large corporations -- so the creation of a startup hub in Houston has just been about aligning all these elements under one roof that provides entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed."

创始人 & The Cannon首席执行官
本计划及其福利仅对合作伙伴成员开放. 今天了解更多关于成为公司会员的信息.

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  • Participate in quarterly, regional or neighborhood events and tours to economic centers
  • Connect with fellow business leaders with a focus on regional or neighborhood-based businesses
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